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Shipping Schedule

Shipping takes place on 10:00 a.m. ~ 19:00 p.m. business days.
Shipping is not available on weekends and holidays.

Same Day Delivery

Same day delivery is available for orders submitted before 12:00 noon, payments by credit card, and with all items in stock.
Excluding weekends and holidays.




Kitchen & Table Linens

    ‎¥5000 ‎¥20000
  • 55件
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  • 55件
¥6,820 (Including tax)
¥13,200 (Including tax)
¥15,950 (Including tax)
¥19,250 (Including tax)
¥18,700 (Including tax)
¥6,600 (Including tax)
¥22,000 (Including tax)
¥6,820 (Including tax)
¥7,700 (Including tax)
¥14,850 (Including tax)
¥15,400 (Including tax)
¥7,040 (Including tax)
¥6,820 (Including tax)
¥9,900 (Including tax)
¥15,400 (Including tax)
¥15,400 (Including tax)
¥14,300 (Including tax)
¥6,600 (Including tax)
¥15,620 (Including tax)
¥17,050 (Including tax)